

Born in 1985 has Lipizzan bloodlines and was previously owned by a couple. She had sever problems with her spine and rear legs. After much physiotherapy and massage she was able to engage in light riding activities with children for four years.

Eventually her health problems worsened and now she can live pain free if she no longer works at all.

Bianca has Lipizzan bloodlines and belonged to a couple who boarded her at the Shelter in 1997. Despite having no financial difficulties after three years Bianca’s owners decided they could no longer be bothered with her upkeep and gifted her to the Shelter. Here Bianca worked for a while with small children until her prior injuries worsened and she was permanently retired to a large paddock which she initially shared with Daffy and Nonnina and currently with Daffy and Rhum!

Daffy (1988 – 18/04/2014)

Daffy ci ha lasciato il 18 aprile 2014

This morning Daffy went to visit his friends. His body gave out. The exploitation he experienced in the past caught up to him in the present! Daffy…the Gentle Giant (1.80 hands high). I’ve never known a horse like you.

Daffy was born in 1988. Years of overwork and lack of care by an owner who had kept him for 17 years resulted in lameness, backaches and many other problems which subsequently rendered him useless to his owner who replaced him with another horse…young and healthy!

Daffy was with us since March 2007. What will we do without you? Someone wrote that you were that unique case where the prince and the horse were one and the same.

Cee Tari Baby

Cee Tari Baby, Baby per gli amici :), è nata nel 1982 ed è arrivata al rifugio nel Marzo 2009.

Pluriblasonata quarter americana finita a vivere sola sotto una tettoia in mezzo ad un campo acquitrinoso senza altro riparo.
Alcune persone di buon cuore avevano scoperto Baby e le sue condizioni assolutamente indecenti.

Nonostante l’intervento di questi enti quasi nulla è cambiato.
Quindi sono stati raccolti i soldi necessari per riscattare Baby e portarla al rifugio.

Come viveva Baby

Nessun animale dovrebbe vivere cosi!

Baby dice:

…piove e tira un brutto vento, fa tanto freddo e mi sento sola. Ho fame, nessuno mi pulisce, ho dolori alle ossa e non ho spazio per sdraiarmi!

Marzo 2009, Baby at the SPA!


Aprile 2009, Nuovi amici: Daffy e Bianca

Baby con Daffy e Bianca
Sta sempre mangiando!