Lucky non c’è più ..

Lucky 1989 – 2021

“Beauty” aka Lucky è un angloarabo nato nel 1989.

È arrivato al Rifugio nel Novembre del 2005, in condizioni abbastanza brutte:
una lesione importante alla pupilla, un molare infetto con pus fino alla mandibola, sottopeso di più di un quintale.

Il suo proprietario non poteva o (più probabilmente non voleva) curarlo e dopo tre mesi di indecisione, e di grandi sofferenze per il cavallo, alla fine decise di venderlo al macello.

Poiché i cavalli destinati al consumo alimentare non possono assumere farmaci, Beauty continuò a non essere curato e per questo rischiò di morire.
Alcuni attivisti giunsero a conoscenza della sua storia, lo riscattarono dal macello e infine lo portarono al Rifugio, dove Beauty venne immediatamente curato: riprese peso, l’infiammazione al molare venne finalmente trattata con antibiotici e guarì, ma purtroppo il suo occhio destro, dopo un’operazione, rimase cieco.

Questo tuttavia non ha fermato Beauty, che ha imparato a gestire senza problemi la sua menomazione. E nonostante la sua brutta storia, Beauty è un cavallo gentile e ben disposto verso gli esseri umani e ora vive felice in un grande paddock con il suo giovane amico Beethoven.

Visto l’epilogo della sua storia, Beauty è stato ribattezzato Lucky, nome che gli calza a pennello e che lui riconosceva

Mi hai lasciato da sola e si è spenta la luce nel mio cuore.

Questa mattina ti ho trovato steso sul prato già senza vita.
Lucky, lo zio dei puledri, l’arlecchino dei bambini – il cavallo sempre solare, sempre pronto per un scherzo, non c’è più.

Mi mancano le parole.
Happy Trails amore mio


A bovine can eat up to 50 kilos of food per day. In the summer this mainly consists of fresh grass but often hay is also added.

Cows are ruminants and as such have a stomach with 4 chambers or “pouches”. When they graze or eat hay they swallow almost without chewing and the food accumulates in the rumen, the first stomach, where with the aid of bacteria it is partly digested. This process requires that a cow drink up to 100 liters of water per day.

At this point the process gets somewhat gross and anyone eating a tasty snack right now may want to skip this passage. While restiing, the cow now regurgitates the food and water mix into its mouth (much like a person after his 11th grappa) where it gets re-chewed, re-swallowed and deposited in the reticulum. During the various stages of mastication a cow can produce up to 200 liters of saliva a day. This process of swallowing, un-swallowing, re-chewing and re-swallowing is called rumination or more commonly “chewing the cud”.

There is little separation between the first two sections of a cow’s stomach, the reticulum and the rumen, so food and water can pass back and forth easily. The reticulum is made of muscle and by contracting it forces food into the cow’s esophagus which carries the food back to the mouth.

The next pouch in the stomach is the omasum. This pouch acts like a giant filter to keep plant particles inside the rumen while allowing water to pass freely.

After the grass pieces and other feed are broken down to a small enough size they eventually pass on to their final destination, the abomasum or “true stomach” which produces acids, buffers and enzymes to break down the food. After passing through the abomasum the partially digested food enters the small intestine where digestion continues and nutrients are absorbed and then on to the large intestine where waste in formed and then eliminated.



New entry at our shelter!

Sandy, born 2008, a pony of approx. 12 hands. Sandy has worked at a riding stable as a good little jumper until she started loosing her eye sight. Now her left eye is completely blind and with her right eye she can see only shadows. To not let her end up at the butchers the Shelter took her in.
The Shelter urgently need funds for an animal which, give our financial situation, we are hard pressed to support. We are seeking someone for a distance adoption who would like to contribute to Sandy’s upkeep. Please consider giving her a hand.

IBAN : IT43M0880564890008008900302
Heartfelt Thanks,

An update of few days ago: Sandy’s blindness is almost total and irreversible 🙁

Sandy – EZ’s Place ONLUS

Whiskey and Claudia! A Horse, His Owner and the Stroke.

Hello, my name is Claudia and I’d like to tell you about my experience with Whiskey who would have been thirty years old this December.

In 2005 I decided to adopt Whiskey, a horse who had been bred to be a jumper but as we know if one is not perfect one is often sidelined and that is what happened to Whiskey.
I had just started volunteering at EZ’s Place, a horse shelter, where I aquired a wealth of theoretical and practical information about the equine world. Whiskey already had an owner, if you could call her that, but for me and Whiskey it was love at first sight, you could say we chose each other. Knowing full well what it would entail I decided, with the help of my mother, to adopt Whiskey because as everyone should know, maintaining a horse is not like maintaing a hamster. I’m also frequently posed questions like “you need to trim a horses hooves?” “why do they have blankets on?” to which I reply “don’t you trim your nails?” “but if you’re cold don’t you cover up?”.
But lets talk about us…over the past three months my horse and I had two life changing experiences which I would like to tell you about. In June a tornado alit at the shelter which destroyed Whiskey’s house and caused a lot of other damage. Luckily no one was injured, truely a miracle. It was an important lesson for both of us, damage can be repaired but life once lost can’t be restored.
My second experience was at the beginning of August when I received a call from Evelyn to tell me that the horse wasn’t well—I ran—and quickly arrived at the shelter to see what was happening. Whiskey was in a bad way. At first, given his symptoms, we suspected heat stroke and decided to intervene with cold showers and cortisone until the first available vet could arrive. As soon as it was confirmed that it could have been heat stroke the vet prepared an IV saline solution to hydrate him, listened to his heart and examined him. In a few hours he seem stabilized.
Little by little we saw a slight improvement, nonetheless, we called our regular vet who came out the following day. With fresh eyes we noticed that Whiskey’s face seemed asymetrical, he acted confused and had difficulty
chewing and swallowing. He no longer swished his tail and didn’t urinate. The only thing he could do was defecate. Then came the awful diagnosis—STROKE!
The blood froze in my veins; I was incredulous. A stroke in a horse is not an everyday occurance. I had no idea what would happen.
With the help of the vet and Evelyn’s wealth of experience we decided to intervene immediately doing all we could with IVs and pharmaceuticals. Whiskey was wonderful about it all and we stayed with him day and night. However, after three days went by without him urinating we realized that the neurological lesion was still active.
All sorts of thoughts were going through my mind but I knew he couldn’t survive in the condition he was in. We sat around the table and I had to come to a decision: put an end to his suffering, my pain was overwhelming and my heart would not let me make that decision. I don’t know if Whiskey had heard us but within an hour or so he started urinating on his own, my eyes lit up with joy!!! I never thought I’d be in seventh heaven over a pee.
The days went by and he regained almost all his motor functions but he still was unable to retract his penis, a very delicate organ. We decided to call the vet for the umpteenth consultation. The area was damaged and we tried to intervene with massages and all else possible but in the end there wasn’t much more we could do.
Time to get creative! We fashioned a sort of sling to support his penis in order to prevent it from swelling. Project “Underwear” morphed several times to adapt to Whiskey’s needs.
The vet proposed a possible surgical solution, penile amputation, but that would have entailed post operative pain, a stay in a clinic where he would have been alone and the stress of a long trip to the clinic. Also, the success rate was only 20%.
It was time to make a decision!! Making a decision for another sentient being is difficult, it weighs on your soul because you don’t know if you’ve made the right choice. Well I decided that I wanted to leave him in peace. I didn’t feel it was right to subject him to additional pain and suffering to perhaps buy him four months.
Three months went by and he was fine. Whiskey was a strong horse in body and spirit!
It was an emotional experience…I want to thank all of you who wrote me or asked about him and a special thanks to Evelyn and the staff at EZ’s Place, Montereale Valcellina.

Whiskey is no longer with us. A colic took him a month ago, he passed away serenly surrounded by his dear friends at the shelter.

(Italiano) Beethoven non c’è più

Beethoven is not with us anymore.

This morning, after a long talk with our Vet we agreed to not operate Beethoven. His chances to heal were so slim but the pain he was about to confront was so high that out of respect and love for Beethoven I decided to let him go to sleep. I cannot explain what a difficult decision this was, nor can I explain the pain I am feeling now.

Lucky has lost a long time friend – we shall miss you Beethoven. Happy Trails!

Sick beethoven

Thanks to everyone who donated supplies for Beethoven’s surgery.
The surgery will be performed by Dr. Matteo Tognato from Ferrara ad will consist of the removal of the hoof wall in order to remove the infection. The foot will then be medicated and placed in a cast. Initially this procedure will need to be repeated every 2-3 days and eventually at longer intervals.
Beethoven will be placed on pain medication and antibiotics and the hoof will begin to regrow. The cost of the surgery, including post operative care, will be approximately 1,500-2,000 euros (the cost of each treated bandage used to form the cast is 8 euros and we will be using 2-3 at a time).

We will keep you posted and if you wold like to give us a hand with expenses it would be greatly appreciated.
COD IBAN: IT43M08805644890008008900302

Frog Canker

The Hay Steamer is Kaput

Our hay steamer died last night. Definitively died.
It was bound to happen.
Overused for years and years it was long giving signs that it was on its last legs.

We applied for the only source of funding available, a competitive grant offered to associations by the Region (Friuli) about every three years for the purchase of equipment.
We were denied funding, the problem being that we are “too small”.

The more volunteers and members an association has the higher the probability of obtaining a grant. This puts associations like ours at a great disadvantage since we are in much greater needs of funds.

Galileo and Devil now risk serious respiratory problems.
The steamer serves to remove mold, bacteria and mites from the hay while maintaining the hay’s nutritional value. This machine is essential for many elderly equines and for all of those suffering from respiratory problems.

We Need to purchase one immediately!

Many of our horses and donkeys need hay with no impurities and we also need a bigger machine than the one we had. Please support our cause by clicking on the “donate now” button. You can donate what you can, even if its only the cost of your morning coffee.

Your donation is so important for the continued well being of our equines.

cuore donazioniPlease contribute to the purchase of a new hay steamer for the shelter.

Want to know more?

mail Write us and please share our appeal with your friends on social media. Thank you.

IBAN : IT43M0880564890008008900302

How is Rosalie?

Rosalie the cow has received medical treatment, been given a warm and comfy house, been looked after and cuddled, made new friends and now…

How is Rosalie. We get a lot of e-mails asking how she’s doing. Check it out.

She no longer just walks…she jumps!

Rosalie came to the shelter in November. Read her story.

The shelter is always short of funds and we knew that taking in another animal would put a further strain on our finances but when Evelyne saw Rosalie she couldn’t abandon her to her sorry fate!

Would you like to sponsor Rosalie and contribute to her care through a distance adoption?


mail If you’d like to give Rosalie a hand write us and please share our appeal with your friends on social media. Thank you.

IBAN : IT43M0880564890008008900302

A reflection, a thought

Animal shelters, and ours is no exception, are ALWAYS in need of funds. Upkeep is expensive and every penny goes towards food, medicine and shelter maintenance so that the animals can live in a serene and pleasant environment.

Hmmm… now you’re thinking that I’m asking for donations. No, for once I’m not. But if you have a strong urge to donate now… don’t let me stop you!!

This particular post is intended mainly for those who ask the Shelter to take their horses for whatever reason:

  • because the horse is old and can no longer be ridden
  • because I can no longer afford him
  • because our stable already has lots of horses
  • because one of my horses limps and I have to compete. I can’t maintain both – I’ll make a donation – I’ll give you the lame one

I have to say that the last “because” is the one I hear the most and it makes me furious.

Its true there are special circumstances, failed marriages, lost jobs, homes in foreclosure and sometimes a poor horse – -perhaps even elderly – gets caught in the middle but these are the exceptions that confirm the rule.

I’d like to explain that according to Italian law horses, cows, sheep, goats, pigs and even donkeys are considered revenue producing animals. You don’t save them, you eat them. As a result and with that legal excuse there are no regional, local or EU funds for shelters.

I can only speak for our Shelter but I think all shelters face the same problems. We have to spend a lot of time on a variety of fundraising activities which take up precious time that should be devoted to the well being of our animals. And what about the volunteers who so generously donate funds? They are paying for the pleasure of shoveling manure!! All this to maintain animals – in our case horses – abandoned by others. But they do it because they’ve developed a bond with our shelter guests which nothing could sever. A bond which was apparently lacking with their previous “owners”.

What I’m asking you, therefore, is to think twice before getting a horse or any other animal.

An animal is a friend for life.

Evelyne Zedan

Baby left this world

Today, 30 Dicember 2015, Baby left this world.

Born in 1982 she arrived at the Shelter in 2009. Physically and mentali distroid.

Baby, you were timid, fritened and your life was filled with monsters. I hope – no I am sure -staying with us you learned to trust people again loosing many of your fears. The last few month the abuse of the past started to come to the present. We could not help you anymore. Your poor body was tired and needed to go to sleep.

Sweet Baby, I am crying because I already miss you and I am crying about the indifference in which animals are treated in this world. I don’t believe in the rainbow thing, but I hope that there is a place for you to go, in which animals are treated with the love and respect they deserve.



Benarrivata Rosalie

I’ve always said I don’t know a thing about cows and that I’d never bring one to the Shelter… shoveling cow shit too? No way!

But Tuesday I went to my neighbor’s, a dairy farmer, to get hay as I do frequently. The cows were patiently queuing up to be milked but there was one who wasn’t able to stand.
She tried and tried but couldn’t get up.


“I have to sell her, she’s 8 years old and has a hard time getting up” were her owner’s words.
I didn’t have to ask who he’d sell her to. That night I couldn’t sleep. The thought that after 8 years of giving her all she was no longer considered useful and would be sold to the slaughter house kept tormenting me.

The next morning I went to take some photos of Rosalie (yes, I’d already given her a name) to circulate on the social networks and found her lying in the pasture. I was told “she can’t get up anymore, I’ve already called the slaughter house”.
We ended up taking her.
She was lifted up with a tractor and brought to the Shelter which is only 400 meters away.
If she really has to die she can at least do so serenely and painlessly in our pasture. But if she lives, which I hope with all my heart, she’ll have a lifelong home here at the Shelter.

The Shelter urgently need funds for an animal which, give our financial situation, we are hard pressed to support. But when I saw Rosalie I couldn’t abandon her to such a tragic fate. For this reason we are seeking someone for a distance adoption who would like to contribute to Rosalie’s upkeep. Please consider giving her a hand.

IBAN : IT43M0880564890008008900302
Heartfelt Thanks,

Evelyne Zedan


(Italiano) Jo-Anne McArthur in visita all’EZ’s Place

Il tour italiano della fotoreporter Jo-Anne McArthur, è cominciato il 13 settembre e ha incontrato il pubblico di Bologna, Firenze, Roma, Milano, Pordenone , Mestre e Treviso, durante i quali ha presentato il suo progetto e il suo libro “Noi animali – We Animals” (Safarà Editore, Pordenone). Jo-Anne McArthur, originaria di Toronto, ha fotografato la drammatica situazione in cui versano gli animali nei sette continenti e in quaranta Paesi per più di dieci anni. Il suo libro contiene più di 100 fotografie selezionate tra le migliaia di immagini che costituiscono We Animals, un archivio di ritratti di animali in allevamenti, laboratori, circhi, acquari, mercati, insieme a quelli di animali ospiti in santuari e immortalati nei loro habitat naturali.”Le Voci dell’inchiesta, manifestazione In settembre la fotografa e attivista animalista Jo-Anne McArthur è stata invitata alla manifestazione “Le Voci dell’inchiesta”, Safarà Editore e in collaborazione con “Pordenonelegge” – mercoledì 23 settembre alle 20.45
“The Ghosts in our Machine”, il documentario che ha emozionato pubblico e giurie di svariati festival internazionali.

La fotografa attivista Jo-Anne McArthur presenterà domani sera, alle 20.45, “The ghosts in our machine”, il documentario di Liz Marshall che ha emozionato pubblico e giurie di svariati festival internazionali. La regista ha seguito la McArthur nel corso di un anno, attraversando così diverse storie di animali in alcune parti del Canada, Stati Uniti e in Europa, su cui si è basato parte del suo progetto fotografico – “We Animals” – che la fotografa porta avanti dal 1998. Ogni storia è una finestra sul mondo dell’industria animale: il cibo, la moda, l’intrattenimento e la ricerca. Un documentario nato dall’amore per gli animali, che non si limita a raccontare, ma mostra come nella nostra società gli animali vengano sviliti e considerati niente altro che merce. Come spiega la regista stessa: “The ghosts in our machine” – aggiunge – è un viaggio alla scoperta di quello che è un complesso dilemma sociale. In sostanza, gli esseri umani hanno abilmente classificato gli animali non umani in tre parti: animali domestici, la fauna selvatica, e quelli a cui non vogliono pensare: i fantasmi nella nostra macchina. Perché diamo valore alla fauna selvatica e ai nostri animali da compagnia, ma non ai miliardi di animali allevati e utilizzati ogni anno nelle industrie globali? Da qui sono partita». L’incontro è promosso da Le Voci dell’inchiesta, Safarà Editore, in collaborazione con pordenonelegge.

Realizzato dalla regista canadese Liz Marshall, The Ghosts in Our Machine segue l’attivista – fotografa nel corso di un anno attraverso diverse storie di animali che immortalerà in alcune parti del Canada, Stati Uniti e in Europa. Ogni storia è una finestra sul mondo dell’industria animale: il cibo, la moda, l’intrattenimento e la ricerca.
Un documentario nato dall’amore per gli animali, che non si limita a raccontare, ma mostra come nella nostra società gli animali vengano barbaramente sviliti e considerati niente altro che merce.
La McArthur inizia sin da ragazza ad avvicinarsi al mondo degli animali, esattamente come migliaia di altri suoi coetanei: attivandosi per farli adottare, dando una mano in canili e strutture simili quando c’era da nutrire cuccioli abbandonati o facendo la dog-sitter. A questo impegno iniziò presto a sovrapporsi il suo sguardo fotografico, che immortalò situazioni e animali che conosceva. Nel tempo il progetto l’ha portata in tutto il mondo, le foto raccolte sono state pubblicate in un libro e sono diventate il fulcro di un sito e un archivio in costante crescita e aggiornamento, che collabora con numerose realtà che in vari Paesi si occupano di tutelare gli animali.

Fund Rising on


EZ’s Place, founded in 2008, was the first non-profit horse protection organization established in Italy. It is the only organization whose mission is to care for elderly horses guaranteeing personalized care, nutrition, innovative veterinary treatments and solutions to improve the quality of life of horses with health problems or considered to be at the “end of their careers”. Daily care and interaction with companions and volunteers are fundamental to the horses’ recovery.

We currently house 19 horses, 3 donkeys, 2 goats, 6 elderly dogs and sundry other animals. Among the horses 15 were either abandoned by their owners, exploited and discarded after years of competing or rescued from abusive situations and they are all the responsibility of the non-profit. Several are now over 30 having regained their health and will to live.

The non-profit doesn’t receive any for of governmental or other subsidy as horses are not considered companion animals. Considered sources of income they are not assisted when they develop problems and require care but are instead lead to their death.

EZ’s Place-Horse Shelter survives only thanks to donations. Every year the Shelter accumulates a debt of at least 10,000 euros which is becoming increasingly unsustainable. The Shelter volunteers are organizing fundraiser to try to pay down this debt-but there is never enough money. The president has exhausted her funds, she now needs your contribution so that after a life of exploitation the animals are afforded the well being, protection and assistance they deserve so they can age with dignity.

We’re asking your help to insure the survival of a non-profit which is experiencing severe financial difficulties.


10th Annual Fund Raiser Ranch Fest

Volantino della festa

Sunday, June 28th, the Shelter is hosting its big annual festival and this year will be the festival’s tenth anniversary!

A not to be missed opportunity to become acquainted with and support the Shelter and help the animals who live here.

An important note

We can’t forget that we are guests at the horses’ home! Because of this we regret that we can’t admit dogs, even if on a leash, since we can’t guarantee the safety of either the dogs or horses during the festival.


A horse… with a cell phone?

If an older horse (Billy has approx.30-35 years of age) lays down for more than 30 – 60 minutes, his blood flow slows down, his front legs swell up and – depending on the weather- he gets real cold and umidity creeps into his bones. Therefore even with help it is very difficult to get him back on his feet again.


So an application was invented by a friend and loaded to an android phone. As soon as Billy’s body changes his position from vertical to horizontal the phone alarm goes off and within 30 seconds an emergency number is dialed. (my number)

We have 2 phones (spent 60 euro each) and therefore have Billy under controll 24 hours a day. If he falls in a save spot and the weather is good he’ll have max. one hour to rest and then we’ll help him up. Yet – if he falls in a dangerous spot or position, we can come to his rescue right away.

Older horses are often authanised because they cannot get up after they layed down. With this application – Billy down – there is controll 24hrs a day !!!

Evelyne Zedan

Josepnine and her ultrasound

Josi e l'ecografia

Josephine’s mood hasn’t changed, she eats, plays and doesn’t seem to be in pain but nonethless the swelling under her belly, the shape and odor of her feces and the slight inflammation of her right ear are troubling signs.

Therefore today Josy had a new ultrasound which revealed an accumulation of liquids inside her belly and an enlarged spleen.

Monday we’ll repeat the blood test and along with Dr. Tomaso Satta evaluate whether or not to take Josy to the clinic for further evaluation and eventually determine if additional surgery is needed.

Chin up Josy, we’re certain that everything will be fine.

Evelyne Zedan

Aqui Cour is no longer with us

Aqui CourHe was born in 1993 and died on march 25th at twenty three. I can’t express my anger at this senseless death. Aqui died young due to the exploitation and couldn’t care less attitude he experienced at the hands of humans. His life was not “humane” in any sense of the word. Aqui, I think you came to trust people during the last four years of your life, the years you spent here. We did everything in our power to help you but in the end nothing worked.
I love you very much and already miss you.

Come sta Aqui?

Con oggi abbiamo sospeso le punture di Aqui. Siamo arrivati alla quarta somministrazione ma lui sta nettamente peggiorando. Aqui è constantemente sotto antinfiammatori. Adesso l’arto viene trattato con ghiaccio e pennellate di ketoprofene/DMSO nel tentativo di disinfiammarlo. Aqui è comunque pieno di vitalità e mangia come un lupo! Tentiamo anche questa strada, vedremo come va con la prossima settimana.
Speriamo bene…..

Aqui Cour mangia l'insalata
Aqui Cour mangia l’insalata
Aqui Cour mangia l'insalata
Aqui Cour mangia l’insalata

Frog Canker

Cancro del fettone - Beethoven
Cancro del fettone – Beethoven

EZ’s Place, a non-profit horse shelter, provides on going care for horses as well as specialized treatment. A case in point is Beethoven’s frog canker. After a year of intensive 3X a week therapy there is finally a definite improvement. One front hoof is cured and the other on is almost there. Only consistency and dedication can result in this type of outcome. Thanks to Evelyn and Chiara (a Super volunteer) for their tireless work.

Frog canker is an infection which invades the superficial epithelium of the hoof. Its symptoms are a putrid odor and the presence of a white cheese-like substance. It is not certain what causes it but it may be a virus. To avoid its development the hooves should be kept as clean and dry as possible and it is advisable to regularly trim and medicate all the affected areas.

Aqui Cour

Aqui Cour, un puro sangue inglese nato 1993, è arrivato al Rifugio il 15 Aprile 2011.

Sfruttamento totale

AquiAqui Cour  nato in Francia. A sei anni  arrivato in Italia. Ha fatto gare di velocità e siepe — prima di finire in un maneggio per passeggiate.
Dopo un brutto incidente è diventato inutile… e cosi massacrato è arrivato da noi.

Povero Aqui Cour… uno dei tanti!

2.2aquiIn collaborazione con il Dott. Andrea Bertoli (Osteopata) e il Dott. Sergio Forapani (Ortopedico), Aqui Cour si sta riprendendo. Certi danni sono irreparabili e possiamo solo tentare di migliorare la situazione. Dopo aver curato i denti grazie al Dott. Simone Zoccarato Aqui Cour sta acquistando chili.

Appello per Aqui Cour

Aqui Cour  stato portato al Rifugio da un camionista di Bergamo, con l’accordo che sarebbero state pagate le spese di manutenzione e veterinarie da lui. Dopo tre mesi il Signor Giovanni non si è fatto più vedere n sentire lasciando sulle spalle del Rifugio le spese sostenute (1600 euro).

Cerchiamo un’adozione a distanza per Aqui Cour. Rinunciando a 2 pizze al mese puoi contribuire alle cure ed al benessere del nostro Aquilone!

7° Festival Country al Rifugio del cavallo

Sabato 11 ottobre, a partire dalle ore 19.00

allo EZ’s Place – Rifugio del Cavallo onlus di Montereale Valcellina (PN)

VII° Festival di Beneficenza

zedan ottobre

La festa d’autunno sarà, come ogni anno, una splendida occasione per stare assieme, divertirsi, danzare attorno al fuoco sotto le stelle e mangiare un buonissimo chilli vegano, accompagnato da birra e vin brulè. Sarà anche l’occasione per conoscere ed aiutare gli ospiti del Rifugio. L’EZ’s Place è un’associazione che, con il tempo, sempre più si è specializzata nella cura di cavalli che, arrivati a fine carriera, dopo anni di abusi e sfruttamento, necessitano di trattamenti  e attenzioni quotidiane. Al rifugio, in questi anni, non sono arrivati solo cavalli maltrattati nel corpo, ma anche, e forse principalmente, nella mente. Creature sfruttate in ogni modo possibile (corse, ostacoli, traino, dressage, endurance, pony games… per poi finire i loro giorni – prima della “destinazione macello” – in qualche maneggio a far passeggiare perfetti sconosciuti, o nei circuiti dell’ippoterapia, ultima spiaggia per i cavalli che ormai non possono più essere “usati” in nessun altro modo), individui che avevano scelto di opporsi alla loro condizione di “non vita”, scegliendo di adottare la forma di ribellione più tragica e difficile: rinchiudendosi in se stessi, e a volte, scegliendo di non vivere oltre.

Ricordiamo che tutti i proventi dell’associazione arrivano da piccole offerte di privati – come voi e noi – e dal ricavato del 5 per mille. Donazioni che consentono di mantenere gli ospiti del rifugio garantendo loro una vita dignitosa, tranquilla, curati e accuditi, senza dover dare, finalmente, nulla in cambio, se non – e non è poco – la gioia di vederli rinascere, magari un po’ acciaccati, ma vivi nello spirito. Aiuta anche tu i membri della nostra numerosa famiglia dove vivono cavalli, asini, capre, cani, gatti e galline. Perciò non prendete impegni, vi aspettiamo numerosi (non dimenticate gli amici a casa!).

[Via Animalisti Fvg]

9° Festa annuale al Rifugio del cavallo

Domenica 31 agosto 2014 ritorna l’annuale festa estiva all’ EZ’s Place Rifugio del Cavallo onlus di Montereale Valcellina, in provincia di Pordenone.

Un’occasione per trascorrere una giornata speciale all’aperto tra amici, musica, spettacoli, giochi per i più piccini… il tutto nella cornice di un paesaggio meraviglioso, gustando assieme del buon cibo cruelty-free.

Ci auguriamo vogliate partecipare in tanti, non solo perché anche questo è un modo per aiutare, divertendosi, gli ospiti del Rifugio, ma perché incontrarli significa anche capire qualcosa di più del mondo degli equidi, un mondo che nulla- o gran poco- ha a che vedere con l’immagine che troppo spesso ci viene sottoposta.
Il Rifugio è un luogo, una casa, che con il tempo sempre più ha scelto di specializzarsi nel recupero di cavalli anziani o che riversavano in gravi condizioni – non è un caso infatti che ormai molti la chiamano “la casa di riposo dei cavalli” 🙂 – con l’obbiettivo di garantire loro una qualità di vita e serenità.

Incontrarli di persona è un’esperienza che ci aiuta ad aprire gli occhi. Creature considerate dai più “inutili” – perché non c’è posto nella nostra società per chi non produce – che ora finalmente, dopo aver dato tanto, troppo, hanno la possibilità di vivere per se stesse, non per soddisfare i bisogni di altri.

[Via Animalisti FVG]