
Martin arriva in queste condizioni al Rifugio
Martin arriva in queste condizioni al Rifugio

Martin-Martin, born in 1985 arrived at the Shelter in 2007. He was in bad shape after being shuttled around to various local stables.
He was severely underweight and had pulmonary emphysema as well as heart and neurological problems .

According to his previous owner his condition was normal for an older horse and therefore it was useless to treat him.

At the Shelter we immediately began treating this sad horse. According to the Vet, Martin was extremely malnourished and his chances of survival were slim. Nonetheless, the Shelter wanted to try to save Martin. Little by little Martin came around.

Thanks to proper food (hypoallergenic wafers and supplements) he gained weight, Aerosol fixed his lungs and finally having a permanent loving home with a guaranteed food supply vastly improved his mental state.

19 giorni dopo il suo arrivo
10 july 2007
19 giorni dopo il suo arrivo
19 days later
07 august 2007
Martin 47 giorni dopo
47 days later
Martin il 29. Agosto - 69 giorni dopo
29 august 2007
69 giorni dopo l'arrivo al Rifugio - Martin
69 days laters

  Martin con la nuova coperta Donazione di una gentile Signora di Valvasone. Grazie!

 21 ottobre 2007 . 5 mesi da noi
21 october 2007 – 5 month on the barm

Martin lived happily at the Shelter with his pony friend Angie. He was strong, almost arrogant and finally happy.

Martin e Angie
Martin and Angie

Unfortunately, an unexpected colic took him from us in April 2009.
Happy trails Martin, you will always be in our hearts.